A note on nonhomogeneous initial and boundary conditions in parabolic problems solved by the Rothe method.

Autor: Rektorys, Karel, 1923-2004
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Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
Abstrakt: Abstract: When solving parabolic problems by the so-called Rothe method (see K. Rektorys, Czech. Math. J. 21 (96), 1971, 318-330 and other authors), some difficulties of theoretical nature are encountered in the case of nonhomogeneous initial and boundary conditions. As a rule, these difficulties lead to rather unnatural additional conditions imposed on the corresponding bilinear form and the initial and boundary functions. In the present paper, it is shown how to remove such additional assumptions in the case of the initial conditions and how to replace them by simpler, more natural assumptions in the case of the boundary conditions. In the last chapter applications and convergence of the Ritz method (or of other direct methods) to approximate solution of the originating elliptic problems is considered.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR