The maximum regularity property of the steady Stokes problem associated with a flow through a profile cascade in $L^r$-framework.

Autor: Neustupa, Tomáš
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
Abstrakt: Abstract: We deal with the steady Stokes problem, associated with a flow of a viscous incompressible fluid through a spatially periodic profile cascade. Using the reduction to domain $\Omega$, which represents one spatial period, the problem is formulated by means of boundary conditions of three types: the conditions of periodicity on curves $\Gamma_-$ and $\Gamma_+$ (lower and upper parts of $\partial\Omega$), the Dirichlet boundary conditions on $\Gamma_{\rm in}$ (the inflow) and $\Gamma_0$ (boundary of the profile) and an artificial "do nothing"-type boundary condition on $\Gamma_{\rm out}$ (the outflow). We show that the considered problem has a strong solution with the $L^r$-maximum regularity property for appropriately integrable given data. From this we deduce a series of properties of the corresponding strong Stokes operator.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR