Transaminase GOT and GPT activity in extirped sprouts of normal and opaque-2 maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings.

Autor: Ebeid, M.
Další autoři:
Kutáček, Milan, 1925-1989
Piovarči, Albín, 1932-1983
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
Abstrakt: Abstract: The increased activity of GOT (E.C. and GPT (E.C. transaminases in maize seedlings found as a marker of genotype opaque-2, was investigated in extirped sprouts of both genotypes, normal and opaque-2. The enzymatic activity was determined in three maize samples from breeding experiments, each sample consisting of a genotype pair, normal and opaque-2, collected from segregating ears of maize plants in the S1 generation. The seedlings were aseptically grown for 7 days in two variants of cultivation, intact seedlings and sprouts extirped after 4 days of germination. In the intact seedlings of genotype opaque-2 an increased activity of GOT and GPT, as compared to the intact normal plants, was observed. The extirpation of the sprouts enhanced GOT and GPT activity in the sprouts of both genotypes. However, in extirped sprouts the GOT and GPT activity was found to be still higher in the genotype opaque-2 as compared with the sprouts of normal genotype. Thus it seems that the increased transaminase activity in the sprouts of genotype opaque-2 is genetically determined. The increase does not result from an induction of enzyme synthesis through the supply of amino acids translocated from the endosperm to the sprouts. The absolute level of transaminases in the different breeding samples is dependent on the parenteral lines, the relative level of GOT and GPT activities is higher in the genotype opaque-2.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR