Changes in biological activity of sodium humate as induced by the mercury discharge tube radiation.

Autor: Tichý, Vladimír, 1923-2003
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
Abstrakt: Abstract: The study was concerned with the effects of irradiation of the sodium humate on its biological activity, which was assessed by the elongation of the hypocotyl and root in young plants of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. Rapid and cv. Smaragd) growing in the solution of the tested preparation. It was found that its stimulative action on hypocotyl and root elongation in lettuce was changed due to irradiation. However, the degree was dependent on concentration; stimulation mostly decreased, only at some higher concentrations did it increase. Further, experiments showed that there was some interaction between the irradiation of the humate and the cultivar used for testing, but none between the irradiation and the light exposure of plants during the test. The response of the experimental plants to the concentration of the humate depends on the light exposure.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR