České a polské Krkonoše 1945-1963 : mezi ochranou přírody a modernizací.

Autor: Holubec, Stanislav, 1978-
Další autoři:
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
Abstrakt: Abstract: The article deals with a comparison of the development of hiking, recreation and nature conservation in the Czech and Polish Giant Mountains from 1945 to the proclamation of the Krkonoše National Park in 1963. It shows the Czech side as less devastated after the war, in which the level of tourism quickly recovered and deepened, mainly due to trade union recreation, and there were intensive plans for the development of the tourist infrastructure, but it was postponed ad acta after 1948. On the contrary, the Polish side of the mountains experienced greater devastation, newcomers knew the area less and hiking tourism generally declined, which was strengthened by the closure of the mountain border by military units in the late 1940s. Despite this closure and the decline of infrastructures, Krkonoše hiking tourism survived during the 1950s. The new opening of the Krkonoše Mountains to cross-border traffic and the construction of infrastructures took place from the late 1950s. Whereas the issues of nature conservation have been widely discussed on the Czech side since 1945, the Polish side paid significantly less attention to them and they did not come to the fore until the second half of the 1950s.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR