Literárněkartografické (a kvantitativní) modely v literární vědě.

Autor: Změlík, Richard, 1978-
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
Abstrakt: Abstract: This study focuses on the methodology behind digital literary cartography and quantitative analysis of narrative texts, while attempting to show, through specific examples, one of the ways they can functionally interconnect. The first part of the study presents an overview, focusing on selected foreign literary-cartographic projects, while the second part presents some original research, focusing on the literary-cartographic mapping of Prague’s fictional topography in 19th century Czech prose. In addition to cartographic models, the study also presents basic models for quantitative analysis of selected criteria relating to fictional narratives. The ultimate aim of the paper is both to show the opportunities for combining the two basic types of models and to demonstrate their potential for informing the way literary works are interpreted.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR