Counter-flow of 3H-IAA and14C-ABA in long pea epicotyl segments.

Autor: Borkovec, V.
Další autoři:
Procházka, Stanislav, 1940 listopad 25.-
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
Abstrakt: Abstract: The counter-flow of 3H-IAA and14C-ABA was studied in both aeropetal and basipetal arrangement in 11-cm long segments of pea epicotyls. A significant acropetal flow of 14C-ABA was promoted by exogenous application of 3H-IAA in the apical part of the segment together with a simultaneous promotion of its elongation growth. In the case of limited basipetal flow of 14C-ABA neither the accumulation of this growth regulator on site of 3H-IAA application nor a growth promotion were observed.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR