Effect of silymarin on plant tissue cultures.

Autor: Petrů, Eva, 1922-
Další autoři:
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
Abstrakt: Abstract: The effect of silymarin complex on various types of expiants differing in their nutrition requirements was investigated. The growth of tumorous periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus [L.] G. Don) callus tissue was still identical with the control tissue at the silymarin concentration of 35 mg in 1000 ml of the nutrient medium. However, this silymarin concentration totally inhibited the growth of habituated periwinkle callus tissue; in the presence of 10 mg of silymarin, the growth of this tissue was similar to that of the corresponding tissue grown without silymarin. The growth of tobacco callus tissue (D-strain) requiring for its growth kinetin was reduced by 46.2% at the concentration 10 mg of silymarin in 1000 ml of nutrient medium, but its dry weight was increased by 21% in comparison with the control. Silymarin was most effective on the growth of callus derived from tobacco (Nicotiana glauca Grah:) stem pieces; callogenesis was observed in control tissue in 89.5% cases while in the presence of silymarin (10 mg) only in 48.6%. The primary callus growth was strongly inhibited, too (by 89.9%). The organogenesis onset was never observed on tobacco stem pieces cultured on a nutrient medium with kinetin and IAA in the presence of silymarin. When all types of expiants were transferred from the medium with silymarin on control medium, normal growth appeared very soon and the differences between the experimental and control expiants were smoothed out during two months. These results indicate that the observed changes might be due to the blocking of membrane system permeability leading to an insufficient supply of cells with nutrients and growth substances.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR