Projevy lidové etymologie v urbanonymii města Liberec.

Autor: Lábus, Václav, 1978-
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Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 1211-4413
Abstrakt: Abstract: The article focuses on manifestation of folk etymology in both standardized and non-standardized urbanonymy of Liberec town (a county town in Northern Bohemia). Reetymologization processes may or may not influence a surface structure of the name. Reetymologization with formal changes covers three sub-categories: a) false reetymologization as a result of bohemization of German urbanonyms; b) false reetymologization in the German urbanonym and translation of the new structure into Czech; c) intentional reetymologization based on a language pun. Reetymologization without formal changes is classified into two sub-categories: a) semantic reinterpretation; b) weakening of commemorative onymical function.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR