Necky a necičky v pomístních jménech v Čechách.

Autor: Zirhutová, Martina
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 1211-4413
Abstrakt: Abstract: The paper deals with minor place names in Bohemia which include the common noun necky (a Czech word of Slavic origin meaning “a wooden washtub, used for hand washing clothes”) or its diminutive form necičky. The focus is on etymological and motivational analysis of the names as well as their geographical occurrence. The geographical term of a metaphorical origin necky meaning “valley/basin resembling a washtub” occurs in nearly 150 minor place names, found mainly in hilly and plain regions of the Central, Eastern and northeastern Bohemia. The names denote fields, meadows, pastures etc. found in a terrain resembling a washtub, i. e. with sides higher than the bottom, most of them being of a very old origin.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR