Effects of nitrogen deprivation on the ATP-sulphurylase and O-acetylserine sulphydrylase activities of mesophyll protoplasts and bundle sheath strands of maize leaves.

Autor: Ghisi, Rossella
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Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0006-3134
Abstrakt: Abstract: In maize leaves nitrogen (N)-deprivation induced a significant decline of chlorophyl and total N contents. On the contrary, sulphur (S) content increased with N-deprivation. The activities of ATP-sulphurylase and O-acetylserine sulphydrylase also decreased with N-deprivation, but ATP-sulphurylase activity was more sensitive than O-acetylserine sulphydrylase activity to N-deficiency both in whole leaf extracts and in isolated leaf cells. Finally, N-deprivation induced higher changes in activity of the two enzymes in mesophyll protoplasts than in bundle sheath strands.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR