Michail Bachtin medzi antropológiou a epistemológiou : chronotopické myslenie ako účastné myslenie.

Autor: Duleba, Maxim
Jazyk: slovenština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0015-1831
Abstrakt: Abstract: The chronotope (time-space) represents Bakhtin’s most ambiguous and therewith most problematic concept. In scholarly discourse, the chronotope is primarily interpreted either as an epistemological concept expressing the experience of perception, or alternatively as being primarily an anthropological concept expressing the possibilities of the action of a subject in time-space. The study represents a contribution to the existing discussion in its being a response to the contradiction between these interpretive tendencies. By means of the contextualization of the chronotope with Bakhtin’s early concept of participative thinking, the article not only clarifies the interaction of the epistemological and anthropological dimensions of the concept, but also presents a new view of the chronotope as a sign of event in Being and of chronotopic analysis as the realization of Bakhtin’s effort to relate to Being-as-event in participative manner.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR