Zbrojní a vojenská výroba Vítkovických železáren v meziválečném období (1918-1938)

Autor: Materna, Aleš, 1971-
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0231-7540
Abstrakt: Abstract: This study focused on the arms production at the Vítkovice Ironworks in the period of 1918-1938 and its importance in the field of arms procurement in the 1930s. It analyzes the different types of weapons, their share of the production output of the company, and presents the most important procurers. They mainly icluded state-owned firms. It concludes with the contracts of foreign comanies. Another important part of the study is an economoc and price analysis of individual arms procurement and a comparison of the manufactured products. Attention is also paid to the politickal aspects and factors that resulted in an international arms race and increase in military contracts for Vítkovice Ironworks.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR