O grešnikah «smaškom glavom hodešti» v Abagare Filippa Ctanislavova.

Autor: Selimski, Ludwig
Jazyk: ruština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0037-6736
Abstrakt: Abstract: In this article the idiomatic expression смашком главом ходешти ‘smashkom glavom hodeshti’ is analyzed. The problematic smashkom glavom is considered as a substitution of the Croatian s muškom glavom ‘with a man (a male person)’. The preposition c/s for instrumental does not refer to the appearance (of a person) “(with) shorn hair” or “(with) uncovered head” etc. In this case, it is semantically connected to the subject of the verb (Bulg.) ходя / hodya ‘gо’ with one more subject of the same action; beside the semantics of this verb is another: ‘have intercourse’. Regarding the inner form of the Bulg. ходя c (някого) / hodya s (nyakogo) ‘go with (someone)’ cf. the Lat. co-eo, co-īre ‘to come together, to have sexual intercourse’, and from it - the Lat. coitus ‘sexual intercourse’. Hence, ‘smashkom glavom hodeshti’ in Abagar (1651) means ‘male homosexuals’ - the subject to reprimand in the Epistle of Apostle Paul to Corinthians.
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