Abstrakt: |
Abstract: In max-min algebra the standard pair of operations plus and times is replaced by the pair of operations maximum and minimum, respectively. A max-min matrix A is called strongly robust if the orbit x,A⊗x,A2⊗x,... reaches the greatest eigenvector with any starting vector. We study a special type of the strong robustness called the strong \textit{\textbf{X}}-robustness, the case that a starting vector is limited by a lower bound vector and an upper bound vector. The equivalent condition for the strong \textit{\textbf{X}}-robustness is introduced and efficient algorithms for verifying the strong \textit{\textbf{X}}-robustness is described. The strong \textit{\textbf{X}}-robustness of a max-min matrix is extended to interval vectors \textit{\textbf{X}} and interval matrices \textit{\textbf{A}} using for-all-exists quantification of their interval and matrix entries. A complete characterization of AE/EA strong \textit{\textbf{X}}-robustness of interval circulant matrices is presented. |