The rheology of a cement paste and the frost resistance of a permeable concrete with an emulsified asphalt modified by a silane coupling agent.

Autor: Yan, Zhen
Další autoři:
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0862-5468
Abstrakt: Abstract: Permeable concrete has been widely used in infrastructure constructions due to its excellent water permeability and environmental protection function. In this paper, a silane coupling agent (SCA) was utilised to modify a cement paste and permeable concrete with an emulsified asphalt (EA) for improving the workability of the cement paste and the frost resistance of the permeable concrete. A rheometer was used to characterise the rheological properties of the cement paste. The results of the experiment suggested that the hysteresis loop area of the cement paste increased 10.2 % to a value of 22739 Pa/s, proving that the utilisation of the SCA was suitable to enhance the workability of the cement paste with the EA. The frost resistance of the permeable concrete increased 4.2 % while its 120-day dry shrinkage reduced 40.7 %. In addition, the bonding strength of the cement paste and the 28-day compressive strength of the permeable concrete increased 40.7 % and 61.4 % by the 0.14 % SCA, respectively. Furthermore, the difference of the total void ratio and interconnected void ratio of the permeable concrete was reduced by the SCA, which suggested the utilisation of the SCA was beneficial in ensuring the mechanical properties and water permeability of the concrete.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR