The effect of the dominant grass Festuca rupicola on the establishment of rare forbs in semi-dry grasslands.

Autor: Partzsch, Monika
Další autoři:
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 1211-9520
Abstrakt: Abstract: Establishment is the most sensitive process in the life-cycle of plant species, and each stage - from germination to survival and growth - can be affected by environmental factors and plant traits. We hypothesized that the dominant tussock grass Festuca rupicola negatively affects forb establishment in semi-dry grasslands where it has recently expanded into. Moreover, we expected that seedling recruitment is affected by grass density and seed size, with larger seeded forbs being more successful in areas of higher grass density. In a garden experiment, we sowed seven forb individuals of differing seed size (smallest to largest: Veronica spicata < Dianthus carthusianorum < Plantago media < Biscutella laevigata < Filipendula vulgaris < Scabiosa ochroleuca < Sanguisorba minor) into pots with zero, one, two and three grass individuals, and assessed germination, survival and growth over one year. As expected, increasing grass density negatively affected germination, survival and growth of forbs; however, contrary to our expectation, seed size did not influence any of parameters measured. The response of each individual species varied from zero or weak to strong with respect to grass density. Festuca rupicola therefore acts as a strong competitor against the establishment of forbs, irrespective of their seed size, and its spread lowers species diversity in semi-dry grasslands.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR