Der lange Nachkrieg in Das Erste, was ich sah von Karl-Markus Gauß.

Autor: Lughofer, Johann Georg, 1974-
Jazyk: němčina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 1210-9029
Abstrakt: Abstract: The article analyzes how the autobiographical childhood book Das Erste, was ich sah - which takes place mainly in Salzburg in the late 1950s - reflects the post-war period. The aftereffects of National Socialism and belligerent attitudes can be found in the text, namely, in pedagogical methods used, in games and readings, as well as in chosen children’s first names or in the cultivated Austrian myth of being Hitler’s victim (“Opfermythos”). As the author demonstrates, these effects do not happen only explicitly but also implicitly. In the book World War II forms the society of the time, also through radio transmissions on still-missing soldiers, reflections on invalids, memories of dead soldiers and the German-speaking expellees from Central and Eastern Europe, all of which consti tute a good part of the environment of the narrator. In this article these traces are exposed and dis cussed in detail.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR