Vývoj lékařského myšlení a chorob v Evropě do konce středověku.

Autor: Biraben, Jean Noël
Další autoři:
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0323-0937
Abstrakt: Abstract: One of the basic tasks of paleo-pathology is to explore health conditions of historie populations. The paleo-pathology draws information from skeletal remains and replenishes it with written records about diseases in the period. Thus, it can provide relatively reliable picture of a pathocenoses as they alternated in Europe from the beginning of the historical times to the end of the 15lh century. Individual pathocenoses were characterised by a typical disease - malaria, leprosy, plague, smallpox etc, but also by a specific type of medical thinking. The development of health conditions of the European populations should be therefore studied together with the changes in the European medicíně. The overview of this problematic ends at the turn of the 15lh and 16* century when not only the last European epidemie finished, but also the medieval approach to medicíně came to the end. With the beginning of the Renaissance medicíně is still more liberated from the medieval frame and is more successful in understanding of illness causes and its curing.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR