Hybrid approach to delineation of homogeneous regions for regional precipitation frequency analysis.

Autor: Gaál, Ladislav
Další autoři:
Szolgay, Ján, 1953-
Lapin, Milan, 1948-
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0042-790X
Abstrakt: Abstract: Regional frequency analysis of heavy precipitation amounts based on the estimation of the parameters of a regional distribution function using L-moments is adopted for the specific geographical-climatological settings of Slovakia. The paper focuses on the first step of the regional L-moment algorithm (Hosking, Wallis, 1997), which is the delineation of homogeneous regions. Objective and process-based logical pooling techniques are used to form homogeneous pooling groups of rainfall gauging stations for regional frequency analysis of k-day precipitation amounts (k = 1 to 5 days). Even though the delineation of homogeneous regions by means of objective methods is generally accepted and recommended in the literature, it is concluded here that such a pooling of similar sites should not be carried out automatically in precipitation analysis. Instead, a combination of physical/geomorphological considerations and objective methods should be preferred.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR