On the fractionation of natural organic matter during water treatment.

Autor: Pivokonská, Lenka, 1979-
Další autoři:
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0042-790X
Abstrakt: Abstract: The aim of this contribution is to describe the removal efficiency of individual fractions of natural organic matter (NOM) during water treatment. Two types of surface water with an increased concentration of NOM of various origins were analysed. It was shown that the NOM removal efficiency depends on the NOM character and reaction conditions. The optimised doses of destabilisation reagents influence especially the removal of hydrophilic charged (CHA) and very hydrophobic acids (VHA) fractions during treatment of both types of raw water (φCHA = 0.78-0.86, φVHA = 0.51-0.88). In contrast, removal of hydrophilic neutral (NEU) fraction was very low (φNEU = 0.13-0.22).
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR