Unravelling mechanisms of short-term vegetation dynamics in complex coppice forest systems.

Autor: Canullo, Roberto
Další autoři:
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 1211-9520
Abstrakt: Abstract: a_1The silvicultural management of coppicing has been very common in deciduous forests in many European countries. After decades of decline of this practice, socio-economic changes might induce a revival valuing the biomass as a resource. New insights in the ecological processes that regulate plant diversity are relevant for a sustainable forest management. While studies on long-term changes are available, the short-term dynamics of the coppice forest understorey has not yet been explored. In this context, it is interesting to evaluate the species compositional changes, including the processes of species turnover and species impoverishment (nestedness) and to investigate the role of plant functional traits. For this purpose, we resampled a chronosequence of complex coppice beech forests of the Central Apennines (Italy) monitoring the short-time species dynamics of five years (i.e. from 2006 to 2011) in three age classes, i.e. post-logged, recovering and old coppice stands (0-16, 17-31 and > 32 years, respectively). In contrast to our expectation, declining species richness appeared only in the recovering stands, while the landscape scale (between-stand) heterogeneity, except for post-logged and recovering stands in 2011, did not change over five years. Significant temporal nestedness was found in each stage of succession.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR