The anonymous tyrant in Oratio Panegyrica 1 of Michael Psellos : a reappraisal.

Autor: Papadopoulos, Alexandros
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0007-7712
Abstrakt: Abstract: The present article deals with the unnamed tyrant of Michael Psellos’ Oratio panegyrica 1 in G. T. Dennis’ edition. The highly prestigious rhetor does not want to name the rebel probably because the oration was delivered in front of an audience which was aware of what was happening at that time. Psellos also treats here expertly a classic motif of Byzantine epideictic oratory in order to praise the emperor’s philanthropy, as he finally decided not to punish the rebel. Therefore, the aim of this article is to reappraise the dominant point of view concerning this tyrant and to redefine his identity through the examination of Psellos’ Oratio panegyrica 4.
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