Užití slovesného času ve vedlejších větách obsahových.

Autor: Koutová, Marta
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0027-8203
Abstrakt: Abstract: The research into the use of verbal tenses in Czech subordinate clauses is based on the notions of relative and absolute tenses, and on the distinction between content and adjunct clauses. While the relative tense is expected to be expressed in content clauses and the absolute tense in adjunct clauses, there are some counterexamples to this generalization. Although it is typical for content clauses to rely on relative tenses, it appears that in some cases absolute tenses are applied in these subordinate clauses as well. I focused on this phenomenon in content clauses with imperfective verbs in the past tense expressing the present in the past. Based on the data from the Czech National Corpus, I found out that several interrelated factors play a key role in the use of the past tense expressing the present in the past in content clauses. These are discussed in detail in this paper.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR