Minulosť a možnosti hydrologického výskumu v malých povodiach na Slovensku.

Autor: Pacl, Jiří, 1926-2011
Jazyk: slovenština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0042-790X
Abstrakt: Abstract: Paper is aimed at small basins. It presents a brief overview of development of interests of professionals in them, and presents some ways of their practical use. Principle deepening of interest in small basins has brought the commencement of the global program of the cooperation of hydrologists - the International Hydrological Decade between 1965 and 1974. Within this Program there were clearly defined the importance and aims of research in small basins defined in two of their categories: experimental and representative. Experimental basins serve primarily for solving the problems of runoff formation and of its dynamics, using targeted experiments. Representative basins serve as a particular basin types, whose runoff regimes and relations to their physiographic properties are elucidated to that extent, that they can serve as an analogon for transfer of the gained knowledge to other similar basins, from which no information is available which is based on direct observations. For the time being, hydrological research in Slovakia is oriented into two experimental and two representative basins. Extension of the number of specialized basins is limited by available finances, particularly related to the up-to-date instrumentation. In the database of the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMI), there are long term data series stored from 70 small basins of Slovakia, with the catchment area from 5 to 200 km2 . Under present circumstances, the urgent task is to process this basic information in the adequate extent. That would extend the knowledge upon the runoff formation in the small basins and upon its regime, and simultaneously also make possible the use of these data, after evaluation of their representativness, for the use in hydrological analogy.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR