Die Viten des Heiligen Menignos in zwei südslavischen Übersetzungen /.

Autor: Taseva, Lora
Jazyk: Czech; German
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0007-7712
Abstrakt: Abstract: The article focuses on the Bulgarian and the Serbian translations of the two versions of the Life of St. Menignos, which are found, respectively, under 22nd November and 15th March in the Byzantine Verse Synaxarion and the Slavonic Verse Synaxarion. The comparative analysis of the rendering solutions on the lexical and syntactic levels as well as on the level of completeness confi rms that the two translations were independent in their origin and outlines some common peculiarities. In general, the Bulgarian translation follows its source text more closely while the Serbian is freer and audience-oriented. Similar relations have been found also in other parallel (Bulgarian and Serbian) translations of text corpuses linked to the Jerusalem Typicon. Therefore, a future study on other vitae in the Verse Synaxarion would not only add to the contrastive charac teristic of the two Slavonic versions, but would also provide more material to highlight the common and specifi c trends in the production of the various Balkan centers during the 14th century.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR