Engel BCI-algebras : an application of left and right commutators.

Autor: Najafi, Ardavan
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Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0862-7959
Abstrakt: Abstract: We introduce Engel elements in a BCI-algebra by using left and right normed commutators, and some properties of these elements are studied. The notion of $n$-Engel BCI-algebra as a natural generalization of commutative BCI-algebras is introduced, and we discuss Engel BCI-algebra, which is defined by left and right normed commutators. In particular, we prove that any nilpotent BCI-algebra of type $2$ is an Engel BCI-algebra, but solvable BCI-algebras are not Engel, generally. Also, it is proved that $1$-Engel BCI-algebras are exactly the commutative BCI-algebras.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR