Experimentální studie akceptace pravidel přirozené dedukce v českém jazyce.

Autor: Drobňák, Matej
Další autoři:
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0037-7031
Abstrakt: Abstract: Gentzen’s rules of natural deduction define the basic inference patterns which govern the use of logical constants within the logical system of natural deduction. In general, these rules are considered to represent a model that significantly approximates the actual use of counterparts of logical constants by competent speakers in everyday communication. Despite the fact that Gentzen’s system is assumed to approximate the inferential patterns of the use of counterparts of logical constants in natural languages, empirical studies mapping the system’s deviations from natural languages are rather rare. The aim of our research is, therefore, to find out to what extent the rules of natural deduction are in accordance with the use of counterparts of logical constants by competent Czech speakers. In our research, we employ the method of validity judgment tasks, in which respondents assess whether a sentence can be inferred from a short text. The results confirm that seven rules of natural deduction (conjunction introduction, conjunction elimination, disjunction elimination, implication elimination, existential quantifier introduction, universal quantifier introduction, universal quantifier elimination) are in accordance with the use of their counterparts by competent Czech speakers, and three rules (implication introduction, negation introduction, disjunction introduction) exhibit various levels of deviation.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR