Germination and seedling responses of subalpine plants to different soil substrates.

Autor: Isselin-Nondedeu, Francis
Další autoři:
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 1211-9520
Abstrakt: Abstract: a_1In this study we explored the regeneration niche of 18 alpine plant species by testing the germination responses and seedling growth to soil mixtures made with gypsum, ophiolite, and quartzite, and a control soil. We analyzed different phases of germination: time of radicle emergence, germination duration, and germination percentage, and thereafter seedling performance measured using seedling biomasses. Species were grouped as acidophilous, basophilous and neutrophilous according to their Ellenberg indicator values. Seeds were germinated on each soil mixture in a greenhouse, and then seedlings were selected and transplanted outdoors to grow for one season at 2,050 m a.s.l. The time of radicle emergence, length of germination, final germination percentage, seedling biomass and specific leaf area (SLA) varied according to the soil mixtures depending on the pH group. There were some consistencies between the Ellenberg groups, which were built for adult plant species, and the way these seedlings responded to a particular soil mixture. For instance, the group of species predominantly occurring in basic soils during their adult life (basophilous) had the highest germination percentage and the shortest emergence time on the soil mixture composed of gypsum, but a low germination percentage and the smallest seedling biomass on the other two soil mixtures.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR