Species richness, community specialization and soil-vegetation relationships of managed grasslands in a geologically heterogeneous landscape.

Autor: Cachovanová, Lucia
Další autoři:
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 1211-9520
Abstrakt: Abstract: a_1The increasing importance of the conservation value of managed grasslands has led to many studies exploring edaphic determinants of grassland biodiversity. Most studies, however, come either from very large areas, where biogeographical factors such as dispersal limitation may play a role, or from small, but ecologically rather uniform, regions. In addition, few studies further distinguish between plant specialists and generalists in the interpretation of the observed patterns. Here we studied species richness in semi-natural, managed grasslands in the Strážovské vrchy Mountains in the West Carpathians, Slovakia, where there is a matrix of different bedrocks (crystalline, sandstone, claystone, limestone) on a steep altitudinal gradient. In 89 vegetation plots we sampled the species composition of vascular plants and bryophytes and measured soil chemistry, slope angle, heat index, altitude and soil depth. We further applied Ellenberg indicator values and classified species into community specialists or generalists based on the analysis of a large phytosociological database. Using cluster analysis, we delimited five vegetation types that clearly differed in response to soil characteristics. Species richness varied between 19 and 64 species per 16 m².
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR