Two faces of parks : sources of invasion and habitat for threatened native plants.

Autor: Vojík, Martin
Další autoři:
Pyšek, Petr, 1958-
Man, Matěj, 1990-
Pergl, Jan, 1977-
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0032-7786
Abstrakt: Abstract: a1_To study the role that public parks play as sources of invasions, we surveyed 89 sites in the Czech Republic, comprising chateau parks in urban areas and countryside in various landscapes and socioeconomic contexts, in order to build complete inventories of alien taxa spontaneously spreading outside cultivation in parks or from their surroundings. We describe the richness, diversity, status, frequency and abundance of park floras, explore the relationship between alien taxa, site factors and management practices used in the parks, and assess the invasion potential of the recorded taxa and their interaction with threatened native taxa occurring in the parks. We found that (i) the numbers of escaping invasive species are relatively low, and their population sizes are limited despite the great number of taxa cultivated in parks; (ii) many invasive plants arrived in parks from the surrounding urban and rural landscapes; and (iii) many parks act as refugia for threatened native taxa and vegetation types.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR