Stínadla : mestská štvrť ako priestor tajomstva a dobrodružstiev alebo prečo Rychlé šípy nemôžu nikdy nakresliť mapu Stínadiel.

Autor: Horváth, Tomáš, 1971-
Jazyk: slovenština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0009-0468
Abstrakt: Abstract: a1_This study analyses the chromotope of the suburb of Stínadla (“The Shades”), which plays a key role in the narrative organization of the cult “Stínadla” trilogy by Jaroslav Foglar, comprising his novels Záhada hlavolamu (Mystery of the Conundrum, 1941), Stínadla se bouří (The Shades in Revolt, 1947) and Tajemství velkého Vonta (Secret of the High Vont, 1986). The spacial structure of the trilogy’s text is divided into two spheres — the suburbs separated by a boundary, with their distinctive structure. By crossing this boundary the boys in the Rychlé šípy (“Rapid Arrows”) gang enter Stínadla, a labyrinthine chronotope with radically different rules, a dangerous unknown space where they lose their bearings and continually find themselves in danger. The labyrinthine topology of Stínadla impedes the gang and causes them to get lost. As they are escaping, Rychlé šípy come across transverse passageways between individual locations. The atmosphere is another stylistic and motif-based emanation of the Stínadla chronotope.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR