Classification and phytogeography of larch forests of Northeast Asia.

Autor: Krestov, Pavel V.
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Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 1211-9520
Abstrakt: Abstract: a_1This study focuses on a phytosociological system of the extensive Larix gmelinii and Larix cajanderi dominated forests and woodlands that span the nemoral, boreal and subarctic zones in northeast Asia in the Russian Far East, Eastern Siberia and northern China, an area that covers more than 5 million km². A total of 299 relevés representing different parts of the larch forest range were used to classify communities in this area into the boreal Rhytidio rugosi-Laricetea sibiricae and Vaccinio-Piceetea and to the nemoral Querco mongolicae-Betuletea davuricae. The hierarchical system of lower syntaxa of larch forests and woodlands of northeast Asia includes 24 associations and nine subassociations. Nineteen associations and two alliances - Rhododendro aurei-Laricion cajanderi and Rhododendro daurici-Laricion gmelinii - are described for the first time. Two associations were classified into Dictamno dasycarpi-Quercion mongolicae of Lespedezo bicoloris-Quercetalia mongolicae representing the nemoral class Querco mongolicae-Betuletea davuricae. All larch communities in the nemoral zone represent different post-fire-event stages.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR