Za lepší život venkovské ženy.

Autor: Fousková, Marie V.
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 1210-7050
Abstrakt: Abstract: a_1 The study monitors the ladies’ magazine Zvěstování (Annunciation) before the elections to local governments in June 1919, which were important not only because they were the first elections in the newborn Czechoslovak Republic, but also as the first occasion during which women could exercise their newly gained right to vote. The Agrarian Party started publishing the Annunciation weekly in January 1919 as a campaigning and educational tool the purpose of which was, first and foremost, to make country women involved in politics, strength en their loyalty to the party and, in particular, to motivate them to join the agrarian women’s movement which was being formed at that time. The authoress focuses on how the movement was articulating its ideas about political and civic activities and interests of women, The resulting picture has a number of features which are the same as or similar to the general period ideal of a female politician as a woman working for the benefit of all, focuses mainly on social issues related to women and children, cultivates the society and politics, and contributes a specifically female element to them. However, the picture is supplemented by an openly declared intention to work on a practical improvement of lives of country women, and open criticism of the behavior of country men to women, not just in the public sphere, but mainly in the marriage and family. The criticism of the patriarchal marriage model is accompanied by articulated awareness of the interlinking of the public and private spheres.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR