Vers un perspectivisme herméneutique chez Leibniz.

Autor: Nicolás, Juan
Jazyk: francouzština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
Abstrakt: Abstract: There is a long tradition of hermeneutical philosophers who have researched Leibniz’s philosophy, and there are also several Leibnizian researchers who have dealt with Heideggerian thinking. This work puts forward the thesis that there is a certain convergence between the hermeneutic conception of philosophy (M. Heidegger) and certain ideas of Leibniz. The result is that there are at least three ideas that, in various formulations, are shared by both philosophers: (1) There is no pure or neutral knowledge, but knowledge is always circumstantial. This is expressed by Heidegger in the notion of “hermeneutical situation” and by Leibniz in the concept of “notio complete.” (2) Heidegger realizes a “turn towards facticity” around the notion of “hermeneutical situation.” Leibniz also made a certain “turn towards facticity” concentrated in the notion of “corporeity.” This element cannot be found in Heideggerian thought. (3) Understanding is also self-understanding. In Leibniz, the development is a process of deployment and self-knowledge of the monadic subject. For Heidegger, the world’s understanding is also a process of self-knowledge of the Dasein. In this way Leibniz outlines “the spirit” of hermeneutical philosophy in the sense that perspectivism is a form of interpretation.
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