
Výuka architektů a stavitelů na pražské polytechnice v první polovině 19. století.

Autor: Korbel, Tomáš
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0231-7540
Abstrakt: Abstract: This publication explores the training provided to future architects and civil engineers at the Prague Polytechnic Institute in the first haifofthe 19th century; it seeks to contribute towards our understanding of how technical teaching developed in the Bohemian Crown Lands and its plače in the wider European context. The introduction briefly outlines the circumstances which led to the establishment of the Prague Polytechnic Institute around 1805, as well as the creation of the lnstitute's Department of Civil Engineering and the curricula ušed. The next chapter focuses on governors' decrees concerning compulsory training for architects and civil engineers issued between 1812 and 1819; these decrees made a major contribution to the institutionalization of civil engineering training and education in the Bohemian Crown Lands. The chapter aiso presents a brief comparison ofthe polytechnic institutes in Prague and Vienna. The next part of the publication analyzes the activities and importance of the two key figuresfrom the first generation ofstaffat the Prague Polytechnic Institute, active during the two decades following its foundation (Professor Jiří Fischer and the lnstitute's Di- rector František Gerstner) in comparison with stafffrom the second generation, active during the 1830s and 1840s (Professor CarI Wiessenfeld and the Director Jan Henniger). The finál part of the publication focuses on the students at the Department of Civil Engineering and describes key elements of their studies.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR
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