A revision of the genus Isomerala (Hymenoptera: Eucharitidae)

Autor: Heraty, John M.
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 1211-376X
Abstrakt: Abstract: Isomerala, 1894 is a genus recognized by distinctive nipple-shaped eyes. Two species are currently described, I. coronata Westwood, 1874 (Brazil) and I. azteca Girault, 1920 (Mexico and Guatemala; lectotype newly designated). One additional species is described from Venezuela and Trinidad, Isomerala bouceki sp. nov. The first instar larva (planidium) of I. azteca is newly described. The phylogenetic and host relationships of Isomerala within Eucharitidae, and the morphological and molecular variation within I. azteca are discussed. Nomenclatorial changes within Eucharitidae included in the appendix are a new replacement name (Mimistaka nom. nov.) for Risbecia Heraty, 2002, non Risbecia Odhner, 1934, and fixation of the name Pseudochalcura excruciata Heraty, 1986.
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