Seasonal life cycles and the forms of dormancy in ants (Hymenoptera: Formicoidea)

Autor: Kipyatkov, Vladilen E.
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 1211-376X
Abstrakt: Abstract: a_1The forms of dormancy found in ants range from simple quiescence to profound diapause. Most tropical ants are homodynamic and have no developmental arrests: all ontogenetic stages from egg to pupa are present in their nests throughout the year. Some of them (quasi-heterodynamic species) have penetrated into the regions with warm temperate climates but did not evolve real diapause. The development of their brood ceases only at temperatures below the threshold of development (consecutive dormancy) and ants overwinter in a quiescent (cold coma) state suffering from more or less strong mortality. Most temperate ants, however, are true heterodynamic, i.e. they possess real winter diapause (prospective dormancy). In exogenous-heterodynamic species diapause in larvae and queens is facultative and arises in direct response to falling temperatures in autumn, but diapause begins after some delay and when temperatures are still well above the threshold of development. The diapause in endogenous-heterodynamic species is obligatory at a colony level in a sense that it ensues sooner or later under any circumstances. Their intrinsic brood-rearing cycle is limited by an endogenous timer called a sand-glass device and is also controlled by environmental cues - temperature and photoperiod (in some species), which can only advance or delay the onset of diapause to some extent. Larval dormancy in these ants is facultative diapause induced by social influences of the nurse workers and temperature cues. Adult dormancy is obligate diapause characterized by inactive state of ovaries and also by inability of workers to maintain high growth rate and non-diapause development of larvae and normal egg production of queens.
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