Use of microradiography combined with Medipix2 detectors in soil Zoology.

Autor: Dammer, Jiří
Další autoři:
Sopko, Vít, 1976-
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 1211-376X
Abstrakt: Abstract: a_1Several recently developed techniques, based fully or partially on digital technology, are currently being used in studies on soil zoology. The advantages of the technique called "Microradiography", which is still not yet generally used in soil zoological research, is demonstrated. This method provides an ideal and almost new way of studying the structure of organisms living in soil and various materials in soil. Roentgen transmission radiography is based on the attenuation of X-rays in matter. The X-ray is partly absorbed by the sample scanned and the rest is detected by a suitable detector. When attenuation of the radiation is not uniform the outgoing radiation differs in intensity and contains latent screen information on the sample scanned. Soft tissues do not attenuate X-rays to the same extent so the differences are difficult to distinguish. The currently used imaging detectors, radiography film or scintillator detectors cannot be used to visualize information about the inner structure of scanned samples. But semiconductor pixel detectors count single particles of radiation and their non-limited dynamic range allows appropriate imagining of soft tissues using X-ray radiation. Detectors Medipix2 do not have so called black current (noise) and work in a non-limited dynamic range. These features of detectors confer high quality and high contrast to the final images. Radiographic imaging using Medipix2 detectors does not disturb or damage organisms. It allows the study of not only internal structures of various organisms living on the surface or in soil but also of dynamic processes inside these organisms. Here it is demonstrated that microradiography can be used to study the internal structures of the larval and adult stages of soil arthropods such as terrestrial isopods, chilopods, spiders, apterygotes, insects etc.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR