K možnostem stylistického hodnocení jazykových prostředků v mluvených projevech učitelů základních škol.

Autor: Jindráček, Václav, 1985-
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0037-7031
Abstrakt: Abstract: In the present study, the author seeks to explore features peculiar to spoken language in Czech schools. For this purpose, the system of stylistic classification of linguistic items proposed by J. Homoláč and K. Mrázková is used. This system is based on an understanding of the Czech language situation as consisting of two basic sets of communicative situations: (1) everyday communication and (2) the realization of higher communicative aims. Data for the present study comprised 31 audio-recordings of classes in grades 6-9 conducted in Czech schools: the participants were 4 teachers and their pupils (aged 11-15). This material was described using the following criteria: (1) everyday communication or institutional communication, (2) the position of the linguistic item on the axis of high, medium and low style, (3) expressiveness of the linguistic item, (4) typically Bohemian or Moravian use. The analysis shows that the stylistic classification of linguistic items in these spoken texts should reflect criteria derived from the description of communication situations rather than their link to structural varieties of Czech (Standard Czech or Common Czech).
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR