On taxonomic status of Onthophagus (Palaeonthophagus) macedonicus Mikšić, 1959 and of the subspecies of O. (P.) truchmenus Kolenati, 1846 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)

Autor: Hillert, Oliver
Další autoři:
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 1211-376X
Abstrakt: Abstract: The taxonomic position of some taxa related to Onthophagus (Palaeonthophagus) truchmenus Kolenati, 1846 is considered. A lectotype of Onthophagus truchmenus is designated. The subspecies O. truchmenus turkmenicus Kabakov, 2006 and O. truchmenus iranicus Kabakov, 2006 are synonymized with O. truchmenus truchmenus Kolenati, 1846 and O. truchmenus xerxes Petrovitz, 1965, respectively. Furthermore, Onthophagus conspersus macedonicus Mikšić, 1959 is proposed as a junior subjective synonym of O. truchmenus truchmenus Kolenati, 1846.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR