Blended noise suppression using a hybrid median filter, normal moveout and complex curvelet transform approach.

Autor: Dong, Lieqian
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Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0039-3169
Abstrakt: Abstract: The high-density acquisition technique can improve subsurface imaging accuracy. However, it increases production cost rapidly and limits the wide application in practice. To solve this issue, the high productivity blending acquisition technology has emerged as a promising way to significantly increase the efficiency of seismic acquisition and reduce production cost. The great challenge of the blending acquisition technology lies in the severe interference noise of simultaneous sources. Therefore, the success of the blending acquisition technology relies heavily on the effectiveness of separating effective energy from the blended noise. We propose a blended noise suppression approach by using a hybrid median filter, normal moveout (NMO), and complex curvelet transform (CCT) approach. First, median filter is applied to original data after NMO correction. Second, the CCT-based thresholding denoising method is used to extract the remained effective energy from the data after median filtering to get the preliminary de-blended result. Next, the updated data are obtained by subtracting the pseudo-de-blended data of the de-blended result from the original data, and the process iterates. Last, the final de-blended result is obtained by adding the retrieved energy at each iteration until the signal-to-noise ratio satisfies the desired level. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach on simulated synthetic and field data examples.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR