Late effects of early nutritional manipulations.

Autor: Koldovský, Otakar, 1930-1998
Další autoři:
Křeček, Jiří, 1923-2014
Macho, Ladislav, 1930-2024
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0862-8408
Abstrakt: Abstract: a_1Effects of early neonatal interventions on metabolic parameters later in life (s.c. late effects) were studied in rats using two models; namely, (a) the effects of premature weaning and (b) the effects of "dietary" manipulations during the suckling period (s.c. small vs. large litters), (a) Premature weaning of rats caused an earlier degeneration of spermiogenesis and elevated plasma cholesterol levels in adult animals when compared to levels found in animals weaned 12 days later (on day 30 after birth). In adult rats, radioiodine uptake in thyroid glands was lower in the group weaned prematurely. Premature weaning was followed by a decrease of corticosterone production in adrenal glands in adult animals; in female adult prematurely weaned rats, an elevated response of adrenal cortex to stressors was observed. Several other studies explored the "immediate" effects of early, premature weaning, (b) Early exposure to high fat diet evoked a hypercholesterolaemic response in adulthood following brief exposure to HF diet. Rats from litters reduced to 3 or 4 pups per mother on postnatal day 3 exhibited 2 days later plasma levels of cholesterol higher than in rats raised in large litters of 8 or 14. The difference between small and large litters was preserved for the whole lifespan of the animals. In adulthood, rats from small litters were fatter and had higher levels of plasma cholesterol and insulin. Other studies suggester that early dietary experience may regulate the pattern of drug metabolism in adult life.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR