Medzi politickým taktizovaním, kompromisom a prevratom : Jedinečné poučenie z dejín Slovenska od jesene 1947 do zimy 1948.

Autor: Zudová-Lešková, Zlatica, 1957-
Jazyk: slovenština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0862-6111
Abstrakt: Abstract: This paper is about the crucial post-war period (so-called Third Republic) of Slovak national (and Czechoslovak state) history, which is typical for the relationship between the Communist Party of Slovakia (CPS) and the Democratic Party (DP) and their struggle for political power. This relationship escalated especially after the loss of the parliamentary elections in May 1946, when the Slovak communists commenced a militant attack with the goal of discrediting their chief political opponent - the Democratic Party - using all possible methods. The purpose of this paper is to point out the causes that provoked the unprecedented actions of the Slovak Communists as early as 1947, to draw attention to the responsibility of western powers for the economic and subsequently also the political situation in the country, whereas this paper also discusses the differences between the CPS and the DP, the cohesiveness of the CPS and the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, which was willing to surrender significant restriction of the authority of Slovak national bodies in return for power in the state, and also points out the unjustified therminus historicus, which continues to be declared in Slovak historiography in relation to the period from 1945 to 1948.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR