The importance of finds from the Migration Period in Malá Haná (Moravia)

Autor: Droberjar, Eduard, 1963-
Další autoři:
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 1211-7250
Abstrakt: Abstract: The authors deal with the development of the settlement of the Malá Haná region on the border of historical Moravia during the Late Roman Period (stages C3-D1) and during the Migration Period. After the intense settling of settlements by the Suebi with the Roman-provincial, Przeworsk culture and Chernyakhov culture contacts, which culminate in stage D1, there are strong ties to South Moravia and the Central Danube region at Malá Haná in stages D2 and D3, or alternatively to the Danube-East Germanic cultural group from the 5th century (finds of fibulas, buckles, ironwork in the style of Untersiebenbrunn, probably a Hun sax, skeletal grave from Knínice). Through Malá Haná we can assume the movement of the Lombards on their way from Bohemia to South Moravia, as evidenced by the unique finds of parts of the belt garnitures from Jevíčko and probably also by unique finds of swords (spathae) from two other sites.
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