Ecological Specialization Indices for species of the Czech flora.

Autor: Zelený, David, 1978-
Další autoři:
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0032-7786
Abstrakt: Abstract: a1_Theoretically the concept of species ecological specialization is very useful, however, practically it is often difficult to quantify due to a lack of relevant environmental data.We introduce the Ecological Specialization Index (ESI), which describes the degree of specialization of a species based on its realized niche along multiple environmental gradients and is conceptually based on the co-occurrence specialization metric theta introduced by Fridley et al. (2007).We estimated ESI for species of the Czech flora occurring in at least 10 vegetation plots stored in the Czech National Phytosociological Database.We prepared three sets of ESI values calculated from three datasets including (i) plots of all vegetation types (ESIw, 1597 species), (ii) only plots of non-forest vegetation (ESInf, 1529 species), and (iii) only plots of forest vegetation (ESIf, 881 species).We also provide the frequency of species in the datasets, since the reliability of the calculated ESI values increases with the species frequency. The use of these ESI values is limited to the Czech Republic, and in the case of less frequent species, the value can be influenced by sampling bias. To facilitate understanding of the ecological meaning of ESI, we related the calculated values of ESIw to several species attributes and applied them in a case study using a local vegetation dataset from a deep river valley.We found that ESI correlates significantly with specializationmetrics based on the number of phytosociological associations and habitats in which the focal species occur. The species listed in the national Red List in higher risk categories are on average more specialized than less threatened species. Neophytes tend to be significantly less specialized than archaeophytes and native species.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR