The QeTAL form in the Aramaic of Ezra : a grammaticalization perspective.

Autor: Andrason, Alexander
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Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0044-8699
Abstrakt: Abstract: The present paper analyzes the TAM semantics of the QeTAL form in the Aramaic of Ezra within the frame of grammaticalization theory (paths) and cognitive linguistics (maps and waves). The authors demonstrate that the various senses exhibited by QeTAL can be mapped onto two sub-paths of the resultative path: the anterior and the simultaneous path. The senses of resultative proper (including the performative), present perfect/taxis (including the pluperfect), perfective past, and non-perfective past cover the consecutive stages of the anterior path. The sense of present stative corresponds to an intermediate stage of the simultaneous path. The primary peak of prototypicality (derived from the frequency of a sense, its productivity, and contextual restrictions) is located in the stage of perfective past, and a secondary peak in the stage of present perfect/taxis. The dynamic definition of QeTAL resulting from this study is consistent with a grammaticalization profile postulated for QeTAL in Daniel by Li (2009). In Ezra, however, the form is slightly less advanced along its path than in Daniel. This is arguably related to the fact that the Aramaic of Ezra is earlier than the Aramaic of Daniel.
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