Testování "hypotézy babiček" : historicko-demografická perspektiva.

Autor: Horský, Jan, 1963-
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Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0323-0937
Abstrakt: Abstract: Human female reproduction is characterised by menopause - a characteristics which appears to be unique to humans. The "Grandmother hypothesis" proposes that menopause allows grandmothers to contribute to the reproductive outcomes of their offspring. In general, the previous studies prevailingly based on current subsistence societies support this hypothesis. Nevertheless, they also show high variation in the observed effect which might be a consequence of individual cultural practices. The main aim of this paper was to explore potentially moderating variables by using historical demographic data. Our review shows that age related condition for testing the Grandmother hypothesis is generally met. We further identified several variables related to testing the hypothesis such as different family types as identified earlier by Hajnal. Further we suggest that the role of grandmothers may vary according to the infant mortality as described by life wasting and life saving reproductive systems. Finally, we propose that future studies should include other family members including biologically unrelated ones such as farm workers who may play an analogous role to the grandmothers themselves.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR