Wyrazy topograficzne wyszczególnione w słowniku Antona Bernoláka w ujęciu porównawczym.

Autor: Huptyś, Szymon
Jazyk: polština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0037-6736
Abstrakt: Abstract: The aim of this article is to discuss topographic terms that occur in Bernolák´s Slowár. The material is compared with the evidence from various dictionaries of different times. The etymology of the words is presented as well. This analysis shows that some terms used in the Slovak language variant called "bernolákovčia" ("Bernolák´s language") are no longer in use or a different spelling is used. This article shows mistakes that the first Slovak linguist made, especially inconsistency in spelling specific sequences. This article offers a reliable, thorough analysis of topographic lexis found in Bernolák´s dictionary. It is the first paper of this kind.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR