The Time-Varying Gravitational Potential Field of a Massive, Deformable Body.

Autor: Grafarend, Erik, 1939-
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
ISSN: 0039-3169
Abstrakt: Abstract: The internal as well as the external gravitational field of the Earth is computed under the assumption that (i) the mass distribution of the deformable body as well as (ii) the heights of the topographic surface and the depths of the interfaces (‘dynamic isostasy’) vary in time. In order to represent those shape variations properly, the topographic masses as well as the interface masses are regarded as condensed following a proposal by F.R. Helmert (1884, p. 149-163). Accordingly time-varying simple layer mass densities are generated. Basic results are collected in 4 boxes.
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